5 Great Horror Anthology Movies

For many, Halloween is the time to brave the consumer crowds, dress up like our favorite villains and superheroes, and invest in a dental plan. From terrifying bedtime stories to stories to tell around a campfire, here are the scariest tales you'll find on the internet - and they are all true. I remember being a kid and becoming slightly uncomfortable whenever they showed people in bed on Little House on the Prairie, preparing to turn themselves over to an eight-hour mini­coma (on the prairie).

The world of Don't Turn Around is dark, creepy and will fuel your nightmares. At first, this made them feel better, but soon, they realized that it was a patient who had died three days prior in a unit near the kitchen. We also talked about what people do when they're feeling sad: cry, snuggle close to people they love, get cozy with blankets, share thoughts and stories, and eat warm food.

Like ghost stories the creepy, unattractive, socially inept, smelly, forty-something guy who constantly feels the need to express his alpha-male-ness (aka insecurity) and to offer himself (I feel queasy just writing that!) to every woman within a ten mile radius - no matter how disinterested, or even repulsed they are.

The Lemp Mansion in St. Louis, Missouri, is known to be one of the most haunted places in America, due a tragic history that continues to haunt people today. If not, here's the list of the best scary stories to tell in the dark. Most people love a good creepy story, but the ones we often hear are usually fake.

Since I was so freaked out all the time at the club I started asking if I could leave around midnight, and would catch the last bus, but this night my friends were meeting me to drink at the club after my shift. We do creepy,scary,horror stories, there made to be scary or to creep out people, so enjoy.

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